SEM Agency Dubai

Ensure your website appears at the top of a search engine results page (SERP) when a user searches for a specific keyword


How Does Search Engine Marketing Work?

Aixauea Technologies, one of the best SEM Agency Dubai promotes PPC campaign efficiently to boost traffics to your website. SEM must explore the keywords the target audience uses to discover your products and services. You should cite the prevalent ones to determine how much you are ready to bid for each keyword. The next step is to create an ad copy with a clear, concise message and call to action that will draw the appropriate visitors to click on your website. Finally, you will need Landing pages that provide the user expected on your page. The most common form of search engine marketing is

  • Select keywords
  • Set your location
  • Create your ads
  • Launch and track your campaigns

The step-by-step process of paid search

The first phase in any PPC campaign is to adapt your location settings as local, global, or a preferred area or zip code. The second phase of paid search is to choose the popular keywords, and you must balance the popularity between search volume and the estimated keyword that costs per click. The third phase is to select the match type that tells how a search query matches your chosen keywords.

There are three types of match types: exact match-Your ad only appears when users search for your chosen short-term or generic keywords. The next one is phrase match, which refers to an ad that appears in a long phrase. The final match is a broad match that the ad appears when a user searches for a chosen query in any order or its synonym.

Search engines use complex algorithms to confirm the most relevant outcomes are produced for each search, including location and other general information. Aixauea Technologies, SEM Agency Dubai performs the sponsored ads to appear at the top or at the bottom of the first page of search engines to achieve more visibility and reputation than organic results. It will help your customer to look for a product or service from your company across various competitive markets.

How SEM Helps You To Boost Your Business?

Before running a campaign, SEM Agency Dubai conduct keyword research related to your website, select a geographic location for the ad to be displayed, create a text-based ad, and bid on a price for each click. Text-only ads are easy to produce, so the text is entered for the body of the ad, a call-to-action, and a URL for the hyperlink is made by the marketers to run a campaign. SEM performs the following to boost your business.

Creating your ads

The paid ads vary as per the regulations of the search engines and also differ from the number of words and characters given in the title and description of the campaign. Most commonly, it is suggested that 30 characters of headings and 90 characters of descriptions. Google allows for three headlines and two descriptions for a campaign.

Setting your bids

Once you have uploaded your ad copy, you must decide on bids that adapt to your budgets and how much you will pay per click. The higher bids make you get more impressions and more traffic, while the low bids make your competitors sweep up the customers who haven’t seen your ad first.

Launching and tracking your campaign

After launching your campaign, you can track assigned traffics, click-through rates, and other metrics. You can pause your campaigns at any time to save cost and reassuring, at which time the traffic would appear for your regional area.

Digital Marketing technologies

Aixauea Technologies, one of the top Digital Marketing Agency Dubai provides a broad scope of technologies for implementation in the marketing process.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the skill to make the pages rank higher in search engines. It involves keyword research, link building, content creation, and technical audits.


Search engine marketing (SEM) is a method of promotion and advertising to help companies' content rank higher among search engine traffic.


Social media marketing (SMM) is the medium on which users create social networks and share information to make a company's brand, improve sales, and drive website traffic.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to grow, engage, and retain your audience.